our approach

Human Design


Fine Line Tattooing



the Mindful Tattoo Collective


Communication & Boundaries

IT's about more than tattooing

we bring a new-age, holistic approach to creativity, embodiment, and entrepreneurship

Break Down the Course For Me

The Mindful Tattoo Collective (MTC) is a 14-week course that covers the foundations of fine-line tattooing, 6-figure business management, mindful entrepreneurship, and trauma-informed client care.

This course is for creatives looking to dive into their career as a professional tattooer but don't know where to start and are eager to not only learn how to tattoo, but to also find themselves as an artist and business owner. Here's an overview of what the course covers — 

• Online student portal where all course materials and class recordings will be shared and accessed for student use throughout the course 
• Assignments and weekly homework to support the learning process
• Community space for students to interact and share progress
• Accountability through group learning 

Interactive Course Platform

• Understanding trauma’s manifestation in the body and brain
• Managing and booking clients in a seamless, "non-burnout" type of way
• Space holding and communication styles — energetic and physical awareness around how to best interact with your clients while upholding your boundaries
• Knowing the difference between rescuing and supporting 
• Self-care practices and mitigating burnout


• Breath-work and awareness practices 
• Introduction to nervous system regulation
• Boundary setting and upholding
• Communication strategy for business owners and space holders
• Imposter syndrome and how to beat it 
• Human Design — understanding what it is and how it pertains to your business

Embodiment, Personal Development, & Self-Care

• Understand licensing and health code standards based on your location (city, state & county)
• Sanitation requirements & standards
• Receive & dive into all necessary legal documentation and consent forms
• Get to know your state's health department
• Teachings on starting your own shop vs. working in a shop vs. guesting

Licensing & All Those Confusing Things

• Business creation & management — LLC, licensing, taxes, bookkeeping, and smooth back-end development 
• Booking submission management and client scheduling
• How to price your tattoos, commissions, booth fees, and guesting standards
• Marketing strategy and implementation
• Client acquisition and communications
• Shifting limiting beliefs around money to support financial success

Money Talk, Business Management, & Marketing

• Step-by-step instructions on how to tattoo with a fine-line emphasis
• In-depth breakdown of all supplies, machine assembly, needles and cartridge instruction, and stenciling
• How to build out your station, studio, and practice
• Understanding and abiding by hygiene, licensing, and sanitary standards
• Introduction to Procreate, Brothers App, tattoo industry digital tools


• Learn to be a big "f no" to imposter syndrome 
• Step into your creative agency and abilities
• Create space for and prioritize your artistic process 
• Step into making art AND money
• Shift your belief systems to best support your alignment, potential, and growth  
• Understand industry red-flags to mitigate burn-out and insecurities 

Reclaim Your Creativity

of the Mindful Tattoo Collective

the pillars

to top

Our course offers a truly holistic approach to tattooing and entrepreneurship. We don't want you to just learn to tattoo, we want you to thrive in your business, your relationship to self, and your personal and work-life balance. 

This course takes a holistic and integrated approach to not only tattooing, but to running a business and creating a livelihood. A truly successful career is not possible without diving into self, breath, beliefs, and boundaries. It is our belief that the more you learn about and integrate all parts of yourself, the more successful, abundant, and at peace you will be within your business and life.

Tattooing is an extremely intimate act for tattooer and client alike, and our approach honors, celebrates, and nurtures that intimacy in and out of the studio.

Why This Course Over Another?

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